Thursday, February 28, 2019

You Can Find Your Favorite Retro Exercise Videos on YouTube

When my treadmill broke down a few weeks ago, I wondered how I was going to get in some regular exercise at home during the winter. I texted a friend asking for advice and she sent me a slew of (old) Pilates workouts on YouTube with this note: “Sorry for the …

Alyssa Milano's next viral cause: women's equality

Ask Alyssa Milano what's next for the Me Too movement, and she'll say it's the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, a Constitutional amendment that would grant women legal equality. The United States almost ratified the proposed amendment in 1982, but three…

Tourist in Australia Goes Viral Holding 'Beautiful' Octopus That Can Kill Within Minutes

A tourist in Australia has gone viral after posting a video of themself holding a blue-ringed octopus. But it hasn’t gone viral just because the animal is beautiful. The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most venomous creatures in Australia and the unnamed to…

Facebook suspends Pages from Russia-linked viral video company

Facebook's crackdown on Russia-linked accounts has usually taken down outlets with a relatively small presence, but its latest move is more substantial. The social network has suspended three Pages from Maffick Media, a viral video outlet that has racked up 3…

The Soothing Promise of Our Own Artisanal Internet

As unease with Big Tech grows, some prescribe a slower, less viral online existence. \"Eat independent sites, mostly not Facebook.\"

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hack or Wack: Amy Klobuchar's Salad Comb

Another day, another viral faux-hack to contend with.

YouTube prevents anti-vaccine channels from running ads

YouTube is killing anti-vaccine channels' ability to earn from advertisements following a BuzzFeed News report that put a spotlight on the spread of anti-vax videos on the platform. During its investigation, the publication discovered that ads, including ones…